Stay Certified

NSCA recertification follows a three-year cycle, ensuring certified individuals stay on top of industry trends, technology, regulations, and laws. Three years also gives you enough time to gain continuing education units without causing significant disruption or difficulty.

2024-2026 Reporting Period

We are currently in the 2024-2026 recertification cycle. The recertification deadline for all certified individuals is December 31, 2026. All recertification requirements must be completed between January 1, 2024 (or your certification date, whichever is later) and December 31, 2026. 

REPORTING DEADLINE | December 31, 2026

Pathway 1

Engage in Continuing Education + Maintain CPR/AED Certification

This common pathway requires continuing education to earn CEUs (Continuing Education Units) over the course of the three-year recertification cycle. You will need to follow these basic steps to fully maintain your credential:

  1. Maintain your CPR/AED certification as a requirement for recertification

  2. Complete a certain number of CEUs based on your certification 

  3. Report CEUs on “My Account” on the NSCA website

  4. Pay the recertification fee 

View RECERTIFICATION PLANNING TOOL>>  Get tips and tools to create a plan for recertification by understanding how many CEUs are needed, what type of activities count as CEUs, and key information to help you navigate continuing education and recertification. 

Below is a table to determine how many CEU's you are required to report based on the certification date.

*Each category will have a maximum amount of CEUs allowed, and CEUs will need to be reported in at least 2 different categories.

Note: Be sure to keep documentation of CEUs in case you are selected for the random audit

Pathway 2

Retake and pass the exam + Maintain CPR/AED Certification

If you prefer to retake and pass the appropriate certification exam, instead of earning CEUs, you must receive your passing score before the deadline. Keep in mind, the exams are updated each cycle, so we recommend a review of the Detailed Content Outline (DCO) to ensure you are prepared for the current version of the certification exam.

  1. Maintain your CPR/AED certification as a requirement for recertification

  2. Purchase the appropriate exam registration through the NSCA website

  3. Pass the exam before December 31, 2026

  4. Send an e-mail to after the exam has been passed 

CEU Categories & Activities

There are specific categories of CEU activities the NSCA will accept. These categories exist to ensure individuals gain knowledge in a variety of ways. The table below will help you determine the number of CEUs required.

Category Requirements

  • You must obtain CEUs from a minimum of two different categories.

  • Reporting more CEUs than the maximum listed above will not count toward recertification.

  • All CEUs must be earned between January 1, 2024 or your certification date and December 31, 2026.

    • If you took advantage of the late reporting period from the 2021-2023 recertification cycle and completed recertification during that time, your CEUs must be earned between February 1, 2024 and December 31, 2026.  

Category Type

  • Earn CEUs in Category A by attending a variety of educational events such as clinics, conferences, seminars, workshops, or live-streamed events. Your attendance can be in-person or virtual participation in a live (not a pre-recorded) event.

    • NSCA Events | 0.1 - 2.0 CEUs per event

    • Non-NSCA Events| 0.1 - 2.0 CEUs per event

    • Advance your career and connections while earning CEUs by attending an event hosted by another organization.

      What Qualifies | Attending an in-person or virtual (not pre-recorded) event, such as: conferences, clinics, livestreams, live webinars.

      • The sessions or content provided must be related to the scope of practice and/or be consistent with the DCO for the NSCA certification held.

      • Live attendance does not need to be pre-approved.

      • CEUs are calculated as 0.1 per applicable hour, (Ex: 8-hour clinic = 0.8 CEUs) with a maximum of 2.0 for any single event.

      • Attendance at exercise science-related exam preparation courses for NCCA-accredited certifications will be accepted.


      • For non-NSCA events, a certificate of attendance (or letter verifying participation date and number of hours), and an outline of the event will be requested if you are audited.

  • Get CEUs for speaking at an event or on a panel, being published, or volunteering with NSCA. 

    • NSCA Volunteer Work | 0.1 - 2.0 CEU's per year

    • Presentations| 1.0 - 2.0 CEUs per presentation

    • Publications| 0.5 - 3.0 CEU per publicaiton

  • Further your education and knowledge to gain CEUs through activities like First Aid, Internships, college courses, and more.

    • First Aid | 0.5 CEUs

    • College Course Work| 0.3 - 2.0 CEUs per course

    • Internships | 2.0 CEUs per Internship

    • Additional NSCA Certification| 2.0 CEUs

    • NCCA-Accredited Certification | 2.0 CEUs

    • Pre-Approved Home Study Course | 0.1 - 2.0 CEUs

    • Personal Development | 0.5 CEUs per year

  • Test your knowledge and gain CEUs when you take an NSCA Quiz or assessment. 

    • NSCA Quizzes | 0.2 - 1.0 CEU per Quiz